Our core value

Committed to nature

At Norwegian Seafood, we are deeply committed to the breathtaking Norwegian nature and sustainable practices. As ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) and Global Gap certified, we uphold the highest standards of responsible farming. Our focus extends to our remarkable Norwegian salmon, which is renowned for its exceptional taste and quality.

With ASC certification, we ensure that our salmon is sourced from farms that prioritize environmental protection, fish welfare, and community engagement. We work closely with our farmers to implement best practices that minimize environmental impact, such as reducing the use of antibiotics and ensuring responsible feed usage. This dedication allows us to deliver salmon that not only meets our customers’ expectations but also contributes to the preservation of our precious marine ecosystems.

Moreover, our Global Gap certification guarantees that our farming practices adhere to rigorous standards for food safety, traceability, and sustainability. This comprehensive approach covers all aspects of our operations, from the careful selection of feed suppliers to the responsible handling of waste.

By prioritizing the ASC and Global Gap certifications, we ensure that our customers can enjoy Norwegian salmon with full confidence in its ethical and sustainable production. We take pride in our commitment to quality, environmental stewardship, and preserving the natural resources that make our seafood truly exceptional.